Thursday, April 3, 2008

Potty Training (a.k.a. mommy killer)

So, we are well on our way to having Gray totally potty trained. Thanks to bribery with jelly beans, she has been very successful while at home. Out in public, it is a little more sketchy. Fear of public toilets leads her to "hold it" a little longer than she should, and thus causes a few accidents. Who can blame a girl for not wanting to use a public restroom! And then there is Ella......she would be happy to wear diapers for the rest of her life. She too likes to be rewarded with jelly beans, but she doesn't quite get it. She will have an accident in her pants, then finish up on the potty, and ask "can I have my jelly bean now?" Ugh!!!! This potty training thing has been a true test of my patience, and I am sad to say that I don't always get a good grade! Maybe one of these days we will bid farewell to diapers, but I will most certainly have to welcome in several new gray hairs!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woo hoo! I'm so proud. You will be added to my list of blogs that I ready daily.

Ella and Gray posing after easter egg hunt